while in california i can not remember eating dinner, except one time we ate hot dogs outside. i did eat some dinner at my wedding but i also broke a champagne flute while making fun of thomas so that pretty much made me not hungry.
but i had some delish seafood while in catalina fresh out of the sea. that was refreshing.
we technically got home on wednesday but we were available on friday. so chris and tricia had us over for dinner. chris made mussels and rosemary beans and bread. i made cream puff sans cream and a salad - first vegetables in weeks.
the cream puffs are so easy to make. the only reason i didn't put cream in them is because i couldn't find my pastry bag and we had nothing to make a make-shift one with. so i dusted them with powdered sugar and moved on.
cream puff sans o avec creme.
1 cup water
1/4 cup butter
1 cup flour
1/4 tsp salt
4 eggs
preheat oven to 450
in a sauce pan boil water, butter and salt. when it gets nice and boily, remove from heat and add flour all at once. stir it vigorously until it forms a ball. as soon as it does add one egg at a time. incorporate the egg completely before adding the next. on a cookie sheet (i also used my silpat mat to keep them from sticking but you could use parchment, or just grease the pan really well. this egg fest of a cream puff will want to stick to the pan for sure) spoon out bits of cream puff batter. so, these things get pretty big - i put 12 on the pan and that was all the batter and they were really filling. you can make them smaller for sure too, just do it in a few batches.

let cool and devour.
now do your thing as far as filling goes. i used powdered sugar on top but you could whip up some whipped cream you could make a cream cheese filling... sky's the limit.
glad to be back.
i'm glad you foresaw that freak out. who knew eggs were so smart?!