Wednesday, September 23, 2009

oh the wonders of cauliflower

upon returning home from my honeymoon i found a gigantic cauliflower in my 'fridge and decided it must be eaten. 'but i hate cauliflower', i tell myself. no. i hate steamed cauliflower. for some reason my mom felt that steaming vegetables was the best way to make them. in her defense i think everyone in the 80s and 90s did. but they are wrong. to quote amy poelher in baby mama, 'oh you are dead wrong'.

sauteeing, blanching or baking are the best way to eat vegetables. besides raw of course. steaming tastes bad, plus they're all sogged out and unless you drink that green liquid left in the pot, all the nutrients are gone. please don't drink that, that would be sick.

so on to this recipe.

accompanying sauteed sweet potatoes and herb and cheese biscuits i made crunchy cauliflower.

a lot of cauliflower
1 slice of bread - for crumbs!
2 tbs butter
salt and pepper

chop cauliflower into bite-sized chunks. take of the trunks of the trees! they taste bad. unless you like..ugh. throw your white trees into a baking dish. cover with grated cheese, bread crumbs and dot the top with butter bits. like if you were making a cobbler. season it up. bake at 400 until it's done. which is really quickly.

this is such an easy dish but i really liked it and so did raul. i don't know if it was the fresh cauliflower or just the fact that i wasn't eating a soggy piece of crap, but this vegetable is back in the game. give it a try. you'll like it.

but really, all that was just a way of getting to the main story. this is for jessica longeuay. they girl with too many vowels in her last name. but that's going to change. in honour of her engagement to the adorable mike takacs (forgive me if that's spelled wrong, according to spell check it is. he doesn't have a facebook how can i know the spelling?!) i am posting her idea about cauliflower mashed potatoes.

while i have not tried this recipe myself, i think i actually will. i'll let you know how it goes.

while this one says to use butter and heavy cream, something which i think jess' co-workers would have not used, this is all i could find. if you're dieting, use 'i can't believe it's not butter'. the thing i don't get is, if you want something to taste like mashed potatoes why would you eat cauliflower? are potatoes bad for you? i'm going to research this weird problem.

anyway. jessica. we love you and mike and wish you the best!

someone tell that kid that's staring at my vespa to get a grip.


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