Tuesday, January 5, 2010

easy peasy vanilla ice cream

i've decided to start storing the bowl for the ice cream maker in the freezer that way it's always frozen. my biggest problem with ice cream is that the bowl isn't frozen. 

you've probably already thought of that but just in case - now you know! 

1 cup heavy cream
2 cups half and half
1 1/2 tbs vanilla extract
1 cup sugar

cook all ingredients in a pot. don't let it bowl. just simmer and take it off when there are a lot of little bubbles forming on the outside. 

take off heat and transfer to another bowl. pots retain heat and it'll take longer if you let it cool in the pot. 

here's a tip, chicagoans! put the bowl of cooling cream outside in the snow. it was cooled down completely in 10 minutes. wow. i know. but if it is actually snowing or freezing raining outside - don't do it. 

once it's cooled down. follow your ice cream makers directions. 

let it do it's thing and once it's done you need to freeze it more. but right before you do add your fixins. i added left over christmas sprinkles. but you can add anything you want!




  1. this looks so simple! I want to do it! But can it be done without an ice cream maker? Maybe borrow a few tips from junior year biology?

  2. wait, SPRINKLES?!?!?! ugh.


thanks for the comment!