that is like this blog. i lost the internet. then got busy. you get the idea.
anyway. i'm back and i'm already getting sweaty so it's going to be great.
first up: banana cranberry apple cider muffins
1.5 c sugar
.5 c butter
2 eggs
1 tsp. baking soda
3 tbs water
3 c flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1 1/3 c. apple cider
3 ripe bananas - ripe means brown and mushy, folks
dried cranberries, 2 small handfulls?
cream butter and sugar, add eggs, one at a time. add soda, water. mix together dry ingredients. add flour mix and cider alternately. add bananas and cranberries. drop into a muffin tin and bake them til they're done at 375.
i made those muffins with that sweet ass mixer. ugh. i'm too excited. oh and those cool decals are of montreal, from ellyn. great wedding present!
more to come!
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