Tuesday, June 30, 2009

family dinner

tonight, for family dinner, i've decided to cook up all the leftover veg i have from last week's csa, since we're getting more tomorrow. it's easy...chop vegetables, whatever you have, sautee them, add teriyaki sauce. serve!

i'm also adding rolls (just the hamburger buns i made the other day -- new ones, not moldy old ones) and a salad -- i more lettuce than i know what to do with. 

for dessert i'm making homemade ice cream. chocolate chip, this time. 

last time i made it with half and half and heavy cream, but this time i only had milk. it will still make ice cream but it won't be as creamy or as gelato-y as my last batch was. i'm going to give you the real recipe, though, so you can make the good stuff. 

*warning: this takes a while, so plan ahead! and you'll need an ice cream maker. i borrowed one from a friend. but i hear the salvation army in humbolt park has a lot*

2 cups heavy cream
2 cups half and half
8 lrg egg yolks
1 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla

(this is not lowfat ice cream! but i also has not s'orn in it)

bring creams to a boil. set aside for 2 hours. yes, at room temp, yes, it's seems gross, but trust me. 
strain cream through a fine sieve. return to sauce pan, bring to boil again. 
in bowl mix egg yolks and sugar, whisk until creamy. 
slowly stir in 1 cup of hot cream mixture into egg mixture.
then mix it all back in the sauce pan.
cook over a medium heat until very hot (180 degrees - ish) but don't boil.
chill mixture completely. 
start ice cream mixer and slowly drizzle in mixture. 
*here's where you'd add very cold chocolate chips*
when the mixer starts to sound like it's working hard, it's done. 
scoop it into something freeze-able and freeze. you could serve it right out of the mixer but it's not as frozen or as solid as regular ice cream, it's more like soft serve. 

simple, yes? yes. 

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