Friday, July 24, 2009

goat chops!

i work at the
andersonville market on wednesday nights (best market ever). and my table is next door to the mint creek farm table which is run by rea, the nice blonde daughter of the farmer. she's very cool and have rad shoes every week. this week her generator ran out of gas so i rode my bike to the station to get her some more. then when i realized that mary had the tomato scale in her car she let us share her's. 

usually we're not that busy because produce farmers take all the business - she sells meat and eggs and i sell salsa etc. but this week i had tomatoes so i was busy and we didn't get to talk as much. i offered her a tomato but she's allergic so i decided i needed to buy some meat. and i chose goat - thinking that was super weird.

i got them very cheap since i know the farmers' daughter and i rode them home to my unsuspecting family. 

i broiled them for about 15 minutes and served them with csa veg - sauteed broccoli and string beans. and having realized that we ran out of bread we ate pitas with tomato mountain farm preserves. 

i slathered the chops with a little olive oil, salt and pepper, and rosemary then just broiled them. 

all in all, they tasted like rosemary but were very tough. we ended up eating them like ribs since they were too hard to cut. they were good though. i'm not that into meat so i'd probably skip it next time but raul really seemed to like them. i think he was just so excited there was meat for dinner. 

i'd recommend a try at goat, maybe a different part, like the sirloin or something. with that giant bone in the middle the chops were hard to eat. but even one little chop was very filling. (i think i just really like the word chop)

in garden news, i'm going to transplant our patio tomato into the garden. after the death of the onion, garlic, shallots there is half a garden just sitting there empty and half taking over the yard. the beans we picked so far are perfectly delicious and i can't wait for cucumber blossoms! 

have a great day.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous26 July, 2009

    I ate goat once, and it was boiled in a soup until it was really tender. It actually had good flavor. But it was an odd soup, and I wasn't sure what else was in it, so I just ate it and it was good. I liked the goat!


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